Disaster Averted review

Oh my god!  Yay!  I’m so happy!   And so worried!  And, and… Hold on, I need a second to contain myself.  THEY KISSED!  THEY KISSED!  YES!  Hmph.

Sorry about that.  But this episode of How I Met Your Mother, the ninth episode of the seventh season, was extremely exciting, especially the last few minutes.  Anyway, let me run through the episode and share some things I liked and didn’t like about the episode.  My preferred style of reviewing for TV episodes is in a list-format.  It’s what I do on my Tumblr, and I can easily re-use posts I made on Facebook this way.  It also makes it much more free-form and fun.  The less the writing of a blog feels like work for me, the better the chance of the blog lasting for more than two days.

Also, this is the first post being written exclusively for Natural20Twenty, which is already turning out to be a un-accurate name.  I’ll have to think of a better one.  Anyway, ON TO THE LIST!

  • The hurricane was way over-exaggerated!  I live in New York, and while some areas did get a lot of rain, most of the city didn’t, and very little of Manhattan lost power.  I don’t remember exactly where Barney lives, but it was really only down by the piers that lost electricity.  And a lot of large apartment buildings in the City, especially ones with high rent (and we know Barney has quite a bit of money) have back-up generators.  A lot of people did react the way Ted did, but I feel like this is one of those things that detracts from the show because the writers don’t live in New York (much like the now infamous, in my circle of friends, “Channel 1” fiasco).
  • Everything with the Ducky tie was pure gold.  The Indiana Jones references were funny, and the kid reminding Barney that he promised Marshall and Lily that he wouldn’t take the tie off was hilarious!
  • The bear gag was used one too many times, but it was worth it for that line from Lily about “Looking out for bears” or somesuch.
  • “Therapisted!”
  • That thing about the signs at the beginning is so true.  Knowing that something you did caused an establishment to put up a sign specifically ordering people not to do that gives one a very special kind of pride.  The best sign put up because of someone I know is a sign that was put up in the Bronx Zoo.  My mother once picked up a lemur (at the time, the lemurs were behind knee-high fences, not in huge cages or habitats like there are now) and carried it around for over twenty minutes.  After being told to put the lemur back or risk being banned, she returned it to where she got it, and we continued visiting different parts of the zoo.  Cue our return about a month later and a sign near the lemurs telling people to not pick up the lemurs under any circumstances.  The next year, the lemurs had been moved to a behind-glass habitat.
  • Barney pretending to be Robin’s dad on the phone was pretty messed up.  Totally warranted a slap.  Speaking of…
  • The slaps!  Marshall gets three more slaps, and then use two!  HILARIO- wait for it- US!  HILARIOUS!  Only two slaps left.  I’m guessing they’ll be saved for the day Marshall and Lily’s son is born, and the day of Barney’s wedding.
  • THAT KISS WAS LEGENDARY!  Barney better be marrying Robin!  He has to be marrying Robin!  There is no way the writers can justify him marrying Nora.  NO WAY!
  • I still think the Mother is going to be Barney’s sister, who was mentioned when he first met his father last season.  She’s of college age, lives away from home, there’s really no one else it could be.
  • One more reason why it has to be Robin marrying Barney.  In the first episode, Future Ted tells his kids that the story starts the night at MacLaren’s back in September of 2005, the night he met Robin.  Meaning Robin is an important part of the journey that led to Ted meeting the Mother.  This would all make sense if he met her at Robin’s wedding.

This review was kinda poorly-written and constructed.  They’ll be a better review the next time I do a TV episode.  I’m really tired right now, and apologize if this wasn’t interesting in any way.

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